
基于AMC的吸波材料及其在微带天线中的应用 被引量:10

Ultra-thin absorber based on the AMC structure and its application to the microstrip antenna
摘要 研究了基于AMC结构的吸波材料在微带天线RCS减缩中的应用。给出了基于AMC结构吸波材料的表面阻抗的计算公式,并实际加工了吸波材料样品,分析了反射相位与表面反射系数之间的关系。将这种超薄AMC吸波材料应用于微带天线,实验结果表明:微带天线RCS得到有效降低,同时天线辐射性能得到保持,仅前向增益下降了0.9 dB。 In this paper,the application of artificial magnetic conductor(AMC)based absorbing material to microstrip antenna is investigated.Simple analytical formulas for the input impedance of AMC RAM are presented and,samples of AMC based absorber are fabricated.The relationship between the reflection phase of AMC and the reflection coefficient of RAM is analyzed.This ultra-thin AMC RAM is applied to microstrip antenna,and the measured results show that the structural RCS of antenna is reduced effectively and the radiation performance of antenna is kept,with the gain decrease by 0.9 dB.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期353-357,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 自然科学基金资助项目(No.60871069)
关键词 人工磁导体 吸波材料 微带天线 RCS减缩 artificial magnetic conductor(AMC) absorbing material microstrip antenna RCS reduction
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