
自我妨碍影响因素研究述评 被引量:3

Review of Research on Influencing Factor of Self-Handicapping
摘要 文章介绍了国内外有关自我妨碍影响因素的研究成果和进展。研究结果表明,个体特征,如性别、年龄、人格、自我效能、情绪、能力观;环境因素,如情境特征、家庭教养方式都能较好地预测自我妨碍。文章提出应加强各影响因素的内在联系对自我妨碍的预测研究,以及自我妨碍如何影响其它变量的研究,同时指出应加大自我妨碍的本土化研究。 The article summarizes the new researches and development on influencing factor of self-handi- capping. Such individuals' individualities as sex, age, personality, self-efficacy, emotion and implicit theories of ability have influences on their self-handicapping, and environmental factors, for instance, conditional characteristic, parenting styles and culture can also predict their self-handicapping. The present paper suggests that it is attached importance to study that inherent relation of these factors predict self handicapping, and how self-handicapping have effect on other variables. Then we should increase the local study of self-handicapping.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2010年第11期163-167,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 自我妨碍 个体特征 环境因素 self-handicapping, individuals' individualities, environmental factor
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