
树木年轮稳定同位素分析样品前处理方法探讨 被引量:11

Pretreatment of the Tree-Ring Samples for Stable Isotope Analysis
摘要 树木年轮稳定碳氧氢同位素(δ13C、δ18O和δD)作为树轮气候学、树轮生态学研究的一种重要信息,随同位素分析技术的发展得到广泛应用.在利用树轮同位素指标进行古气候、古环境研究中,对原木样品进行纯化得到α-纤维素及硝化纤维是一项耗时、耗力且又必须进行的前处理步骤.总结了目前国内外多种纤维素和硝化纤维提取的实验流程,综述了树轮同位素样品分析制备的提取流程,并提出了本研究组的纤维提取试验流程,讨论了该方法的可行性及存在的问题.建议实验室在利用树轮同位素指标进行古气候和全球变化生态学研究时,应关注树木年轮同位素样品制备流程差异对最终获取的同位素比率的影响,以消除不同实验流程造成的实验结果上的差异,为树轮同位素指标大范围空间指标比较提供基础. The study of stable isotopes in tree rings,including δ13C,δ18O and δD,as a potential tool for studying dendrochronology,has rapidly developed and widely applied in the past 30 years.To extract α-cellulose from wood is a necessary pretreatment for palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment studies by using tree-ring stable isotopes.However,it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.With the purpose of drawing forth more attention to the experimental flow for obtaining isotopic samples in tree rings and eliminating differences resulted from divergent experimental processes,the extraction procedures of cellulose and cellulose nitrate both at home and abroad in the recent years are summarized in this paper.The extraction method used in our research group is also provided.Their feasibility is also discussed.It is expected that more attentions will be paid to the influences of samples pretreatment on the stable isotopic values and to eliminate them in the studies of palaeoclimate,palaeoenvironment and ecology.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1242-1250,共9页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 科技部基础性工作专项(2007FY220200) 国家自然科学基金项目(40890050140871002) 中国沙漠气象科学研究基金(Sqj2009001) 中国科学院冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室自主课题(SKLCS09-03) 中国科学院方向性青年人才项目(KZCX2-YW-QN308)资助
关键词 树木年轮 δ13C、δ18O和δD 纤维素提取 硝化纤维提取 tree rings δ13C δ18O and δD cellulose extraction cellulose nitrate extraction
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