目的 探讨低场MR在直肠肛管周围脓肿术前诊断中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析19例直肠肛管周围脓肿术前MRI表现,并与手术结果行对照研究.结果 该组19例直肠肛管周围脓肿分为五型,其中,坐骨直肠窝脓肿7例,直肠后间隙脓肿6例,坐骨直肠窝脓肿合并直肠后间隙脓肿4例,肛门周围脓肿1例,直肠后间隙脓肿合并骨盆直肠间隙脓肿1例.MR表现为相应解剖位置内的长T1长T2混杂信号,边界较模糊,STIR呈明显高信号.结论 低场MRI作为一种安全、准确、价廉的检查方法,能准确评估直肠肛管周围脓肿的类型及病变累及范围,具有重要的临床应用价值.
Objective To discuss the clinical application values of preoperative diagnosis with Low-field MR in the perianorectal abscess.Methods Retrospective analysis of 19 cases of patients with perianorectal abscess,they were performed non-enhanced MR examination before operation,the MR findings compared with surgical results.Results 19 cases were confirmed by pathology, MR diagnosis and surgical results are consistent.7 cases were ischiorectal abscess,6 were abscess of retrorectal space,4 were ischiorectal abscess combined with retrorectal space abscess, 1 was perianal abscess, 1 was retrorectal space abscess combined with pelvic rectal space abscess.Their MR imagings display corresponding dissection position' s confused long TI and long T2 signal,the boundary is vague, STIR assumes the obvious high signal.Conclusion MRI is a safe,accurate inspection method ofperianorectal abscess,and it has a very important value in the oreooerative diagnosis of oerianarectal abscess.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology