Introduced in this article are the numerical calculation results and some related analyses of three-dimensional viscous flow in a runner of Francis turbine with a specific speed of 290. A widely used k-εmodel isused to determine turbulence viscosity, and velocity and pressure iterating-correction is carried out with SIM-PLE scheme. Flow fie1d numerical caculations and hydraulic per formance analyses have been conducted for 8operating-conditions, including design point. It is demonstrated by calculated results that at design point, therelative-velocity pattern is uniform,and the attacking angle at the inlet of blade is nearly zero, correspondinglythe efficiency of runner being of the highest value. Positive attacking angle increases as the water head increas-es,and finally vortex occurs near the blade inlet,the suction side and crown. On the other hand, when the wa-ter head decreases from the design head, the negative attacking-angle increases, and finally vortex also occursnear the blade inlet, the pressure side and crown. We consider that those vortexes are the cause for blade vor-tex, and contribute a lot to the hydraulic performance decreasing of turbine. Besides, local low-pressure areasare found by analyzing the curves of pressure coefficient, which will be very useful for shape-improvement ofrunner. By numerical calculations as done by us in this article, not only the velocity and pressure distributionpatterns can be gained, but the hydraulic performance, including efficiency, can also been calculated out.These programs we used in this article can further be used to the research and development of hydraulic tur-bines.
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
runner of hydraulic turbine,three-dimensional viscous flow,numerical calculation