目的:观察由奥美拉唑+克拉霉素+左氧氟沙星+阿莫西林组成12 d序贯疗法根除幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)的疗效。方法:将我院80例确诊为HP感染阳性的患者分成序贯组40例和对照组40例,分别给予12 d序贯疗法和12 d常规疗法进行根除幽门螺旋杆菌治疗。服药后60 d复查胃镜。结果:序贯组根除率94.7%,对照组根除率78.9%,序贯组和对照组根除率进行卡方检验,P<0.05有统计学意义;序贯组不良反应发生率17.5%,对照组不良反应发生率15%,P>0.05无统计学意义。结论:观察由奥美拉唑+克拉霉素+左氧氟沙星+阿莫西林组成12 d序贯疗法根除幽门螺旋杆菌用药安全根治率最高,值得临床推广。
Objective:To observe the clinical effect and safety of sequential by combination of omeprazole、Ciarithromycin、Levofloxacm and amoxicillin method on helicobacter pylori.Methods:We collect 80 patients who had been diagnosed with helicobacter pyiori in our hospital.Divide them randomly into two groups.Respectively give 12 days thepreparation of routine treatment or the sequential treatment.After 60 days give all of them further examinations by gastroscopic observation.Result:Sequential group effective rate is 94.7%.Compared group effective rate is 78.9%.Square test is P0.05,so the observation had statistical signification.The incidence of adverse drug reactions in two groups of drugs is 17.5%and 15.0%,had no statistical signification(P0.05).Conclusion:12 days thepreparation Helicobacter pylori of the sequential tre.atment is effect and safety,which can be used clinically.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
Sequential therapy
Helicobacter pylori(HP)