
中国人力资本积累与经济增长的关联机制研究 被引量:2

Correlation Mechanism between Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in China
摘要 研究发现,人力资本(教育)与经济增长存在多种关联机制。一方面,人力资本不仅可以通过提高生产要素效率(卢卡斯途径)的途径,而且可以通过推动创新和技术进步(尼尔森—菲尔普斯途径)来促进经济增长,而在中国工业化中级阶段,人力资本对技术进步的推动作用更突出,且高级人力资本主要是通过尼尔森-菲尔普斯途径来推动经济增长。另一方面,不同阶段的经济增长由不同阶段的人力资本驱动,即初等教育驱动着中国工业化初级阶段的经济增长,中等教育则驱动着中国工业化中级阶段的经济增长。研究还表明,虽然物质资本和人口红利对经济增长的贡献在经济阶段性转变中并未显著变化,但他们对经济增长的贡献一直非常大。因而,延续人口红利和转变经济发展方式共同要求针对不同层次人力资本(不同文化程度劳动者)分别采取政策,提升人力资本,从而促进经济与社会的可持续发展。 Research shows that there exists correlation mechanism between human capital and economic growth.For one thing, human capital can drive economic growth not only by improving the quality of the factors of production(Lucas approach)but also by encouraging technological innovation and progress(Nelson and Phelps approach).During the medium level of industrialization in China,human capital plays a more distinct role in promoting technological progress and the senior human capital fuels economic growth mainly through Nelson and Phelps approach.For another,the economy at different stages is driven by different level of human capital.Just as the primary school education supports the initial stage of China's industrialization,so the middle school education pillars the medium stage of industrialization.Research also indicates that although the contribution of material capital and population bonus to economic growth does not change obviously during the economic transition from one stage into another,the contribution has always been great Therefore,the continuation of population bonus and changing the mode of economic growth require that different policies are adopted for different educational levels of human capital so as to stimulate economic growth and sustainable social development.
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期34-41,共8页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"民族地区应急管理机制及其能力评价体系研究"(09XZZ015)阶段性研究成果
关键词 教育水平 人力资本积累 经济增长 阶段性变化 education level human capital accumulation economic growth transition from one stage into another
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