
140例药品不良反应报告与成本分析 被引量:4

Analysis of 140 Cases of Adverse Drug Reaction Reports and Cost
摘要 目的分析药品不良反应及其治疗成本,为指导临床合理用药,减少医药费用的支出提供科学依据。方法采用回顾性分析方法,对140例因药品不良反应报告造成的直接费用和间接费用进行分析。结果 140例药品不良反应病例中,主要为抗感染药物(50.71%),其次为心脑血管药(12.14%),ADR主要表现是皮肤及其附件损害,其次是消化系统、神经系统。每例平均治疗时间为2.69天,平均每例患者因药品不良反应导致的直接成本费用为112.11元,间接费用为100.10元。结论通过对药品不良反应治疗成本分析,药品不良反应(ADR)的发生给患者和社会带来了沉重的经济负担,应更多地进行ADR经济成本的监测工作,并采取相应措施,减轻社会和患者的ADR成本负担。 Objective Analysis of adverse drug reaction and their treatment costs for clinical therapy to reduce the medical expenses the cost of providing a scientific basis.Methods Retrospective analysis of 140 cases of adverse drug reaction caused by the direct costs and indirect costs were analyzed.Results 140 cases of adverse drug reaction cases.Mainly for anti-infective drugs(50.71%),followed by cardiovascular drugs(12.14%),ADR mainly the skin and appendages,was followed by the digestive system,nervous system.The average treatment time per patient is 2.69 days per patient due to adverse drug reaction due to the direct cost to 112.11 yuan,an indirect cost of 100.10 yuan.Conclusion Based on the analysis of treatment costs of adverse drug reaction,ADR occurred to patients and society of the heavy financial burden,should be greater monitoring of economic costs of ADR,and to take measures to mitigate the social costs and patients ADR.
作者 陈崇泽
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2010年第9期561-563,共3页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
关键词 药品不良反应 成本 分析 adverse drug reaction(ADR) cost analysis
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