目的 介绍Vesica 经皮膀胱颈悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁的手术方法。 方法 应用此术式治疗5 例患者,通过特制器械将阴道前壁做Z形悬吊,固定于耻骨,使悬吊有一稳定支持,悬吊面积宽阔,悬吊线张力固定。 结果 5 例患者术后尿垫实验阴性。平均随诊25 .2 个月,5 例均无尿失禁。 结论 该术式临床效果满意,创伤小,恢复快。
Objective To introduce and evaluate the procedure of vesica percutaneous bladder neck suspension for female stress incontinence. Methods A specially designed instrument was used to place a Z stitch through the full thickness of the anterior vaginal wall and pubocevical fascia and then anchored to the pubic bone at a fixed tension.5 cases were thus treated. Results Pad test has been negative postoperatively in all the 5 patients. The mean follow up was 25.2 months with no incontinence in all. Conclusions The procedure is effective for female stress incontinence and could be widely adopted in clinical practice.
Chinese Journal of Urology