
中国-东盟文化产业论坛主题演讲的语类分析 被引量:1

Generic Analysis of Keynote Speech of China-ASEAN Cultural Industry Forum
摘要 本文根据系统功能语言语类理论探讨了中国-东盟文化产业论坛主题演讲的语类结构和词汇语法特点。研究表明:在语类结构方面,中国-东盟文化产业论坛主题演讲由四个必要成分界定:称呼、致谢、主题和结语;在词汇语法层方面,语场主要由物质过程、关系过程和存在过程实现,语旨体现在陈述小句和物化主语的使用,语式特点体现在高词语密度、被动结构和名词化。 This essay aims to investigate the generic structure and lexico-grammatical feautres of the keynote speech of China-ASEAN Cultural Industry Forum according to the GSP theory in Systemic Functional Linguistics.At the generic structure level,it is found that the generic structure of Keynote speech of China-ASEAN Cultural Industry Forum is defined by greeting,thanks,theme and conclusion.At the semantic level,it is found that the field of the keynote speech is mainly realized by material process,relational process and existential process,the tenor is realized by declarative clauses and material nouns as subjects,and the features of mode is manifested as high lexical density,passive structures and nominalization.
作者 刘英
出处 《江西教育学院学报》 2010年第6期94-98,共5页 Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education
基金 广西大学科研基金资助项目 编号:X051036
关键词 主题演讲 语类理论 语类结构 词汇语法 keynote speech GSP theory generic structure lexicogrammar
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