

Philosophical Viewpoint of Economic Methodology in the Twentieth Century
摘要 科学方法论与科学哲学两位一体,因而经济学方法论的发展进程内在地交织着科学哲学的历史语境。无论是逻辑实证主义、批判理性主义、历史主义科学哲学以及后实证的广泛理论思潮,其演进的步伐皆牵引了经济学各学说的竞争与换代。本文以此为线索,尝试揭示在知识理论的逻辑与生活实践的历史之间所蕴涵的因果关联,以揭示科学哲学与科学逻辑对于经济学理论认识的重要性。 The methodology of science and the philosophy of science are actually two aspects in one framework,so the development of methodology of economics is interweaved with the historical context of the philosophy of science.The relative doctrines in economics are greatly affected by logical positivism,critical rationalism,historicist philosophy of science and various post-positivism theories.The paper tries to reveal the causal relationship between the logic of epistemic theories and the history of living practice so that people will clearly know that the philosophy of science and logic are so important for their understanding the theory of economics.
作者 邹顺宏
机构地区 铜陵学院法政系
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2011年第2期42-48,共7页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
关键词 科学方法论 科学哲学 经济学方法论 奥地利学派 methodology of science philosophy of science methodology of economics the Austrian School
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