大石早生李点授红叶李、盖县大李、高淳李、早黄李、青柰、桃、梅、杏等品种和树种的花粉, 并分别于授粉后3 周和5 周进行其座果情况调查, 筛选出了红叶李、盖县大李、梅为大石早生李较适合的授粉品种。同时, 提出了李子座果率调查适宜期应在授粉后5 周的观点。
Dashi early plum has been pollinated pollen of red leaf plum, Gaixian big plum, green plum, peach, Japanese apricot and apricot et, and investigation on percentage of fertile fruit was done after 3 weeks and 5 weeks respectively.The results showed that red leaf plum, Gaixian big plum and Japanese apricot are appropriate pollination varieties. The view that investigation on percentage of fertile fruit of plum should be done 5 weeks later after pollinating is also put forward.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural Technology College