
9个日本特早熟温州蜜柑品种在浙江象山引种试验 被引量:4

Field Evaluation of 9 Very Early-maturing Japanese Satsuma Mandarin Varieties in Xiangshan County of Zhejiang Province
摘要 在浙江象山引种比较了大分、上野、岩崎、丰福、崎久保、肥之曙、秋光、山川、日南1号等9个日本特早熟温州蜜柑品种果实的外观性状和内在品质。结果表明,供试品种果实外观较为接近,单果重普遍80~120 g;果实形状多为扁圆形,果面多光滑,油胞凸出;易剥皮,海绵层较薄,桔瓣多为肾形,瓣数9~13。大分、上野和宫本着色较早;大分、上野、肥之曙的可溶性固形物含量较高;大分的降酸性能最好。综合比较,大分、上野和日南1号的表现较为优异。 Nine very-early Satsuma mandarin varieties were top-grafted on 20-year-old Owari Satsuma trees in 2002 in Xiangshan.Results from 5 consecutive years showed that their fruit appearances were similar to each other.Individual fruit weighed between 80~120 g and mostly were oblate in shape.Fruit surface was smooth,with protuberant oil glands.Most of the fruit were easy to peel and with thin albedos.Segments were 9~13,and kidney-shaped.Color break occurred earlier in 'Oita wase','Ueno wase' and 'Miyamoto wase'.Total soluble solids reached 9.5 % in fruits of 'Oita wase','Ueno wase' and 'Hinoakibono' in the middle of September.'Oita wase' was the fastest in decreasing acidity,although 'Toyoku wase' and 'Sakikubo wase' were alsorelatively low in acid content.Analysis combining characters of external and internal qualities showed that 'Oita wase','Ueno wase' and 'Nichina No.1 wase' were the best during the 5 years' experiment.
出处 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2011年第2期8-10,共3页 South China Fruits
基金 宁波市科技计划项目(2005C100123) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2008BAD92B05-3)资助
关键词 日本 特早熟温州蜜柑 浙江象山 引种 Japannes very early-maturing satsuma mandarin Xiangshan county Zhejiang province introduction
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