目的 :讨论儿童外伤性肝破裂的临床诊治。方法 :对 5 8例外伤性肝破裂的发病因素、早期诊断及治疗进行临床分析 ,提出非手术治疗的指征和可行性。结果 :43例非手术治疗 ,治愈 40例 ,3例转手术治疗 ,手术治疗 12例 ,死亡 3例。结论 :大部分外伤性肝破裂的儿童可用非手术方法治愈。
Objective:The diagnosis and treatment of hepatic traumatic rupture in children were discussed.Methods:We had analysed the causes,primacy diagnosis and treatment of 58 patients who suffered hepatic traumatic rupture.In addition to the adaptation and feasibility of nonoperative management were suggested.Results:43 cases were treated by conservative operations,40 cases were cured,3 cashad to bees operated be cause of their serious injury.The others of 58 cases were performed by operation.3 patients died.Conclusion:The majority of patients with hepatic traumatic rupture can be treated by nonoperative management in children.
Hebei Medical Journal