Objective To examine the systemic and renal tissue levels of thecomponents of renin - angiotensin system (RAS) periodically in experimental diabetic rats.Methods The STZ - induced diabetic rats were divided into two groups in random: one wasdiabetic control group (DC group) and the other was treated with captopril (ACEID group).The animals in both groups were all injected with insulin to maintain moderatehyperglycemia. In addition, a relevant normal control group was provided (NC group).Plasma and intrarenal renin activities, ACE activity and AT II levels were measured on the7th,30th,90th day after the onset of diabetes. Results PRA in DC group was not differentcompared to NC group 7 and 30 days after diabetes induction, but was decreased on the 90,,day. Plasma and intrarenal AT II levels and intrarenal renin activity as well as serum ACEactivity were all increased on the 7th, 30th and 90th day after the onset of diabetes. There wereno significant changes in total renal ACE activity throughout this sutdy in DC group ascompared with NC group. On the other hand, Plasma AT II levels throughout this study andintrarenal ACE activity on the 30th and 90th day as well as intrarenal AT II concentration onthe 30th day after induction of diabetes all significantly reduced in ACEID group. But theintrarenal AT II concentration on the 90,h day was still higher than that in NC group despitecaptopril treatment. Conclusion These observations suggest that the systemic andintrarenal tissue RAS activities in early exerimental diabetes are increased. In addition,these results also indicate that the alternative pathways of local tissue AT 11 biosynthesisindependent of ACE might be stimulated in diabetes with chronic ACEI treatment.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai
diabetes mellitus renin - angiotensin system captopril