
胰腺癌动物模型的研究进展 被引量:3

Progress in models of pancreatic cancer
摘要 胰腺癌是一种高度恶性的肿瘤,通过建直胰腺癌动物模型,可以更加深入地对该疾病进行研究。胰腺癌的动物模型主要包括:移植瘤模型、致癌物诱导模型、基因工程模型。移植瘤模型相对可靠,易于建立,但肿瘤在免疫缺陷动物体内的生长方式与人体内不尽相同;致癌物诱导模型可通过改变环境因素来模拟胰腺癌发生发展的全过程,但其特异性较差;基因工程模型可从分子水平模拟胰腺的发生,但技术要求高,转基因产物难以精确控制。目前尚没有一种胰腺癌动物模型可以满足所有研究的需要,需要根据不同的实验目的选择相应适合的动物模型。 Pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor. Animal models of pancreatic cancer included xenograft models, carcinogen induced models, genetically engineered models. Xenograft models are relatively reliable and feasible, but the growth pattern is different between serve immunodeficienct animals and human beings. Carcinogens induced models simulated the environmental factors to reconstruct the development of pancreatic eancer. But carcinogens could have other biologieal effects. Genetically engineered models could make the occurrenee of pancreatic cancer at the molecular level. But it is difficult to control the transgenic product accurately. No model could meet all the needs of different experiments. It is important to choose a suitable animal model in different experiments.
出处 《国际外科学杂志》 2011年第3期173-176,共4页 International Journal of Surgery
基金 上海市科委基金项目(No.09140902300 No.09YZ84):国家自然科学基金项目(No.30772105:No.30801107)
关键词 胰腺癌 动物模型 异种移植 化学诱导 基因工程 Pancreatic cancer Animal models Xenografl Carcinogen induced Genetically engineered
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