
拟南芥外源ERG基因的阳性苗的初步筛选 被引量:1

Initial screening of Arabidopsis exogenous ERG genes'positive plants
摘要 近来关于Era蛋白(E.coli ras-like protein)及其同源蛋白的研究较多,但其在真核生物中的功能仍不明朗,尤其是植物中相关研究报道尚少。拟南芥中有两个ERG蛋白,大小分别为437个氨基酸和427个氨基酸,分别用ERG437和ERG427表示。本文通过构建ERG基因的真核表达载体,利用农杆菌浸花法侵染拟南芥植株,筛选出阳性植株,为进一步定位观察和功能研究提供材料。 Recently,researchs about the Era protein(E.coli ras-like protein) and its homologous proteins are a lot,but its function in eukaryotes remains unclear,especially in plants there is less related research report.Arabidopsis has two ERG protein,respectively 437 amino acids and 427 amino acidsamino acids,for ERG437 and ERG427.Through constructing Eukaryotic ERG gene expression vector,this paper has screened positive plants by agrobacterium-mediated method,for the further research and the functional localization observation's service.
作者 杨青青
出处 《生命科学仪器》 2011年第1期53-55,共3页 Life Science Instruments
关键词 ERA蛋白 ERG基因 ERG蛋白 阳性苗 Era protein ERG gene ERG protein positive plant
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