
帕金森氏综合症发病机理的探讨 被引量:4

Discussion on Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease
摘要 帕金森氏综合症是一种神经系统退行性疾病,发病人群主要以中老年为主,且具有一定的遗传性。研究表明该疾病有多种致病因素,目前认为遗传因素为主要影响因子,其次还包括环境、年龄等因素。本文从蛋白构象改变、遗传基因、环境因素、重金属、线粒体功能异常等5方面等对帕氏疾病机理做一探讨。 Parkinson's disease is one of the senile nervous system degenerative diseases,which has a big invasion in quinquagenarian and heredity.Advanced research reports that,there are lots of reasons for the disease,and one of the most important is dopamine neurone's pathology,also include environment,age and so on.This paper will make a discuession and review about pathogenesis of this disease,include five sides in details,such as protein conformational change,genes,environment,heavy metals and mitochondrial function decline.
出处 《生命科学仪器》 2011年第1期56-58,共3页 Life Science Instruments
基金 国家自然科学基金(31071538)
关键词 帕金森氏综合症 遗传 影响因子 Parkinson's disease heredity mechanism
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