[目的]了解山东省食品安全企业标准备案工作状况。[方法]对2006年以来山东省各级质量技术监督部门的食品企业标准和2009年8月4日至12月15日山东省卫生厅卫生监督所接受的食品安全企业标准备案登记进行分析。[结果]2006年至2009年6月1日,全省备案食品企业标准12 101个。其中,备案最多的是青岛市占14.34%,最少的莱芜市占%1.10%;备案的食品企业标准到期年份为2009~2012年的分别占16.21%%、35.86%、29.44%、18.49%;37类食品中,保健食品及特殊形态食品最多占14.80%,山野菜最少占0.04%。2009年8月4日至12月15日受理食品安全企业标准备案资料725份。其中,申报最多的是青岛市占14.48%,最少的是莱芜市占0.83%;30类食品中,最多的是保健食品及特殊形态食品占19.72%,最少的是食品用产品、生鲜水产品、蚕蛹(均占0.14%)。[结论]食品安全企业标准备案必须在省级卫生行政部门进行并经过专家评审。
[Objective]To understand the status of putting on record of the standard of food safety of the enterprises engaged in food production in Shandong province.[Methods]Standard established for food enterprises by the Departments of Quality and Technical Supervision at all levels since 2006 and putting on record of the standard of food safety of enterprises engaged in food production in our institute from 4 August to 15 December 2009 were analyzed.[Results]12 101 pieces of standards of food enterprises registered for record from 2006 to June 1 2009.Qingdao accounted for 14.34%,Laiwu accounted for 1.10%.While 16.21%,35.86%,29.44% and 18.49% of the standard registered for record expired from 2009 to 2012 respectively.Of the 37 kinds of foods,health food and food in special kind accounted for 14.80%,wild vegetables accounted for 0.04%.Of the 725 pieces of the materials putting on record from August 4 to December 15,2009,Qingdao accounted for 14.48%,Laiwu accounted for 0.83%.Of the 30 kinds of food,health food and food in special kind accounted for 19.72%.fresh water product and silkworm pupa accounted for 0.14%.[Conclusion]Standards of food safety must be put on record by provincial health administrative departments and it must be evaluated by experts.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Food safety
Enterprise Standard
Putting on record