
2008年青岛市城区部分餐饮单位控烟状况及室内烟雾浓度调查 被引量:1

Survey on the Density of Indoor Tobacco Smog and Situation of Tobacco Control in Partly Restaurant & Food Services Urban in Qingdao City,2008
摘要 [目的]了解餐饮单位控烟状况及室内烟雾浓度,为加强公共场所及工作场所控烟措施提供依据。[方法]2008年10月,在青岛市城区随机抽取36家餐饮单位(16家为控烟干预组,20家为对照组),调查控烟状况、工作人员和管理者控烟态度,观察和检测烟雾(PM2.5颗粒物)浓度。[结果]观察干预组16家、对照组20家。有禁烟标志者所占比例,干预组为50.00%,对照组为20.00%(P>0.05);有吸烟区或烟区划分者所占比例,干预组为37.50%,对照组为25.00%(P>0.05);调查从业人员487人(干预组240人、对照组247人),吸烟率分别为13.75%、12.96%(P>0.05);如果单位有禁止吸烟规定会要求顾客灭烟者所占比例,2组分别为67.50%、71.66%(P>0.05);认为酒店禁烟不会影响生意者所占比例,2组分别为60.83%、60.73%(P>0.05)。调查酒店餐馆管理者36人(干预组16人、对照组20人),愿意开展无烟单位创建活动者所占比例,2组分别为93.75%、80.00%(P>0.05);如果单位有禁止吸烟规定会要求顾客灭烟者所占比例,2组分别为93.75%、90.00%(P>0.05);认为禁烟不会影响生意者所占比例,2组分别为75.00%、40.00%(P<0.05);室内空气PM2.5浓度(μg/m3),干预组、对照组分别为119.08±17.56、227.62±45.04(P<0.01);室外空气PM2.5浓度,干预组、对照组分别为89.62±5.91、128.56±22.23(P<0.01)。[结论]干预后员工对控烟的认识明显提高,室内烟草烟雾浓度降低。 [Objective]To investigate the density of indoor tobacco smog inside hotel or restaurant and to provide effective-tobacco-control policy for the public place and workplace in Qingdao.[Methods]36 catering institutions were selected randomly(16 in intervention group,20 in control group),in Qingdao urban in October 2008.Smoking status,staff and managers attitude were investigated,and smoke(PM2.5 particulate) concentration was observed and detected.[Results]In intervention group,the percentage of having non-smoking sign and non-smoking or tobacco area was 50.00%,37.50%,and 20.00% and 25.00% in control group.There were no statistical significances between the two groups(P0.05).487 Employees(240 in intervention group and 247 in control group) were investiged,and the smoking rates was 13.75% and 12.96% respectively(P0.05).In intervention group and control group,there were 67.50% and 71.66% employees respectively would advise customers giving up smoking if the institutions had banned smoking provisions(P0.05),60.73% and 60.83% thought that hotel ban would not affect the business in 2 groups respectively(P0.05).36 Hotel restaurant managers were surveyed(16 in intervention group,20 in control group),93.75% and 80.00% would develop smokeless institutions creating activists(P0.05),93.75% and 90.00% respectively would advise customers giving up smoking if institutions had banned smoking provisions(P0.05),75.00% and 40.00% thought that hotel ban wouldnot affect the business in 2 groups respectively(P0.05).The level of PM2.5 inners were 119.08±17.56 μg/m3 indoor in two groups(P0.01),and 89.62±5.91 and 128.56±22.23 outside(P0.05).[Conclusion]The understandings of tobacco control are enhanced for interventional employees,and indoor tobacco smoke concentration decreases.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2011年第3期210-212,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 餐饮业 烟草烟雾 控制吸烟 Restaurant & food services Tobacco smog Tobacco control
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