

Special Report of a County Party Committee Secretary;A Case from Weifang
摘要 山东潍坊市在山东省率先推行了县市区委书记履行基层党建工作责任专项述职制度。主要采取4项措施:一是实地考核,将年度党建工作任务细化分解,明确评分标准,采取听取汇报、随机抽样、实地查看、党员群众民主测评等方式进行全方位考核。二是部门评议,组织基层党建工作领导小组成员单位结合各自业务特点,从不同侧面对各地基层党建工作成效进行评价。三是专项述职,按照县委书记述职、市委分管领导点评、与会人员民主评议和市委书记总结讲话四步进行,当场公布述职评议结果。结果纳入各县市区党政领导班子和领导干部考核评价重要内容。四是履职记实,实行"一事一记",随时记录书记本人直接抓党建工作的情况,每两个月向市委党建办报送一次记实情况。 Shandong Weifang City in the province to carry out the implementation of the county party committee secretary of the special responsibility of grassroots party building debriefing system. Mainly take the fnur measures: First, the field assessment, the annual task of party building work detailed breakdown, a clear scoring criteria, take listening to the reports, random sampling, field visits, the Democratic party members, etc. comprehensive assessment evaluation. Second, the department council, the organization leading group members of the grassroots party building their business units with the characteristics of different aspects of the country to evaluate tile effectiveness of grassroots party building. Third special report on his work, according to county party secretary report on his work, party leaders in charge of reviews, the participants summed up the Democratic Party Secretary comments and remarks four steps, announced on the spot judged by reporting the results. The results included in the urban counties of leading cadres of party and government leading bodies and an important part of appraisal. Fourth, the performance of their duties documentary, the implementation "of a mind, " I keep records of secretary of the case directly to the work of party building, every two months to submit to the municipal office a factual situation of party building.
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2011年第1期120-123,共4页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 县委书记 专项述职 基层党建 county party secretary special report on his work grass-roots party building
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