
低碳经济风险评价及应对研究 被引量:3

Risk Assessment and Response of Low-carbon Economy
摘要 随着社会的发展,经济的高速发展和能源枯竭,环境恶化之间的问题也逐渐突出。低碳经济也就随之出现在人们的视野当中,并逐渐成为各个国家主要倡导要发展的经济。但是我们要注意的是,在倡导发展低碳经济的同时,也应该注意到低碳经济所存在的风险。本文在分析低碳经济风险特点的基础上,借鉴模糊数学理论,提出了一种主观判断与定量分析相结合的低碳经济风险的模糊综合评价方法,通过具体案例予以说明。同时,提出了发展低碳经济,尽量减少低碳经济风险发生的建议措施。 With the social and economy development,energy sources are drying up,the problem of environment are becoming more and more stand out.So people pay more attention to the low carbon economy gradually,and it becomes the main economy that every country spark plug mostly.However,there are also some risks in the development process of the low carbon economy need us to pay more attention to.In this text,we are base on the analysis of the characteristic of the low carbon economy,using the theory of the blur mathematics,bringing forward a method about measuring the low carbon economy that the method is combine the subjective estimate with the quantitative analysis,and through the example give to explain.At the same time,giving some measures to reduce the risk of the low carbon economy.
作者 华瑶 李学超
机构地区 东北电力大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 2011年第3期85-90,共6页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
关键词 低碳经济 风险 模糊评价 措施 low carbon economy risk blur evaluate measure
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