
Effects of Nonlinear Couplings on Entanglement in a Two-Qutrit Heisenberg XXX Chain under an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field

Effects of Nonlinear Couplings on Entanglement in a Two-Qutrit Heisenberg XXX Chain under an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field
摘要 This paper investigates the entanglement of a two-qutrit Heisenberg XXX chain with nonlinear couplings under an inhomogeneous magnetic field. By the concept of negativity, we find that the critical temperature increases with the increase of inhomogeneous magnetic field b. Our study indicates that for any |K| 〉 |J|, or |K| 〈 |J| entanglement always exists for certain regions. We also find that at the critical point, the entanglement becomes a nonanalytic function of B and a quantum phase transition occurs.
机构地区 Institute of Science
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期431-433,共3页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
关键词 ENTANGLEMENT NEGATIVITY nonlinear couplings inhomogeneous magnetic field 非线性耦合 非匀强磁场 海森堡 纠缠 连锁效应 非均匀磁场 温度升高 解析函数
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