

Practice and experience in teaching general-knowledge course "sex and society" in university
摘要 《性与社会》是武汉大学一门通识课。有关性话题比较敏感且涉及隐私,教学实践中往往难以把握。本文对性行为、性健康和性风险等内容的教学方法进行探讨。在教学实践中,我们的具体做法是,注重与性有关教学活动的针对性,教师在教学准备时充分了解受众需求,有效利用各种教学资源;教学过程组织时充分考虑时代特点,从现实问题出发,以专题形式讲解,并注重教学互动和反馈,从而取得了较好的教学效果。 Sex and Society is a general- knowledge course in Wuhan University. Topics about sex are always sensitive and involved of privacy, so it is hard to teach courses related to sex. This article is intended to discuss how to teach knowledge about sexual behavior, sexual health and risks of sexual behavior. In the practice of teaching general knowledge course of Sex and Society, the specificity of students in university must be considered ; and we also focused on the special needs of the students. Variant sources were used in this course. In the process of teaching, the characteristics of current society and some real events that happened recently were discussed. The materials used in the course were arranged in several themes. The interaction between teachers and students was also considered seriously. We got good teaching effect through these measurements.
作者 邹宇量
出处 《中国性科学》 2011年第3期22-25,共4页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 社会 通识课 教学 Sex Society General - knowledge course Teaching
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