
测量不确定度和测量误差的区别与联系 被引量:2

The Differences and Relations between the Uncertainty of Measurement and the Error of Measurement
摘要 测量不确定度与测量误差之间既有一定的联系又有一定的区别,测量误差是测量不确定度的基础,测量不确定度是经典误差理论不断发展和完善的产物。从测量不确定度和测量误差的定义、产生的原因及使用方法等方面,分析了二者的区别与联系。 There are not only certain relations but also certain differences between the uncertainty of measurement and the error of measurement.The error of measurement is the basis of the uncertainty of measurement,and the uncertainty of measurement is the product of the continuous development and improvement of the classical error theory.This paper analyzes the differences and relations between the uncertainty of measurement and the error of measurement from their definitions,causes and application methods.
作者 张倩
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2011年第3期198-200,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 测量不确定度 测量误差 区别 联系 uncertainty of measurement error of measurement difference relation
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