Colors symbolize history and peculiarity of each region through their unique images as well as they are functional and emotional. Visual stress and lower quality of life due to insensible use of colors obstruct high quality design and satisfaction of customers. Though colors can make a contribution to improvement of industrial competitiveness through relatively minimum cost, it is impossible to manage them efficiently and economically without color standardization. Colors should be exactly delivered and reflected in decision making based on standardized color languages in order to minimize cost. Color standards are a means to quantitatively and exactly measure, record, deliver and manage quantity of colors. As they are related with human emotion, they may be variable and subjective. Therefore, color standards include the whole process of quantifying and measuring flowing matter such as light in quantity. In our country, local government have their own guidelines of design and colors for better environment, but they have been poorly managed in respect to environment, individuality and peculiarity of each region. We improved design for street landscape of the main access to 2012 Yeosu Expo for which guidelines on color design were developed. To improve the status of public design through effective communication of unique design for Yeosu harmonized with city environment, National Color Standards designated as KS in accordance with Korean Industrial Standards Law were applied.
Design Research
color control
Korea standard color system
public facilities
color design