Bap is carcinogenic substance which has strong effect. It is thought as the index of the content of polycyclic aromatic compound. The U.S. EPB thinks it as the priority monitoring pollutant. In this article, the detection of Bap in the air grain is finished with CH3OH/ H2O, Which is used as the flow phase , spheri - 5, RP - 18 column and FL - 2000 flur - escence detector, Which are parts of the HPLC of the S. P. C of the U.S. The standard addition recovery rate is 91 % . The coefficient of rariation is less than 5% .The detection limit of the method is 0. 02 ng, On the basis of the first - hand monitor data of Bap in the air environment of the Maanshang City, this article is made some research on the distribution condition, regular and harm.