
论认定恐怖主义组织之机构模式 被引量:6

The Organ Modes of Designation of Terrorist Organization
摘要 从法律依据和认定主体的角度来分类,认定恐怖主义组织的机构模式主要有两种:一是司法认定模式;二是行政认定模式。前者是最基本的认定模式,后者是对前者的有益补充。中国显然采取行政认定模式作为有益的补充。参照外国的先进经验,中国关于恐怖主义组织的行政认定模式需在两个方面加以改进:一是构建严格的认定程序,要体现出认定程序的高法律层次性、详细性、全面性和正当性;二是增加司法审查程序,以保证认定行为的合法性与准确性。 There are two main modes to identify terrorist organization in terms of legal basis and the subjects of identification: the judicial mode and administrative mode.The former is the most essential mode,and the latter is a useful supplement to the former.Based on foreign experience to be used for reference,the administrative mode about identifying terrorist organization in China needs to be further improved.Firstly,strict identifying procedures should be built,which are high level of legal,detailed,comprehensive and valid.Secondly,judicial review procedures should be added,in order to ensure that the identification is legal and accurate.
作者 简基松
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期163-171,共9页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 2006年国家社科基金青年课题:"恐怖主义犯罪与中国刑事立法之进一步完善" 课题编号:06cfx020
关键词 恐怖主义组织 司法模式 认定模式 组织机构 terrorist organization judicial mode administrative mode identification procedure
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  • 1David Jenkins, In Support of Canada's Anti Terrorism Act : A Comparison of Canadian, British and American Anti Terrorism Law, 66 Sask. L. Rev. 419 (2003).
  • 2高铭暄,王俊平.恐怖组织界定比较研究[M]//赵秉志.中国反恐立法专论.北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,2007.
  • 3Jutta Brunnee, Ten'orism and Legal Change: An International Law Lesson in Ronald J. Daniels, Patrick Macklem & Kent Roach, eds. , The Security of Freedom: Essays on Canada~ Anti -Terrorism Bill (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001 ) [ Security of Freedom]341 at 76 77.
  • 4Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U. S. 471,481 (1972).
  • 5Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 333 (1976) ;quoting Armstrong v. Manzo, 380 U.S. 545, 522 (1965).
  • 6O. Hood Phillips, Paul , Jackson & Patricia Leopold, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 8th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2001) at paras. 31.001 -31.020.
  • 7Anti Terrorism Act, S.C. 2001 ss. 83.05 (2) (8) ; J.J. Rowe, "The Terrorism Act 2000" [2001] Crim. L. Rev. 527 at 527. ss. 4 -6.
  • 8Art. 1 ( 1 ) of the Prevention of Terrorist Ordinance of Israel, Transmitted to the Secretariat of the U. N by that government on 22 may 2001.
  • 9Art. 139 of Federal Penal Code and art. 2 of Federal Act against Organized Crime Transmitted to the Secretariat of the UN, by that government on 25 February. 1998 and 15 June 2001.
  • 10Art. 304 and art. 306 of the Penal Code of Syria Arab Republic, transmitted to the Secretariat of the UN by that government on 11 June 2001.












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