概括地阐述了随机疲劳分析的基本原理、计算方法和步骤,介绍了软件设计的基本思想、方法和经验。笔者设计的随机疲劳分析软件系统可以在具有 A/D 板的 IBM-PC 及兼容机上运行,可对随机载荷模似信号进行采样存贮、实时或分时计数处理、统计分析、载荷谱编制和疲劳寿命估算。系统中各功能模块按独立模块设计,数据结构统一,具有使用方便,计算准确、快速和显示功能强等特点。
The experience and fundamental method and main idea of micro- computer software designing in the area of random fatigue analysis are summed up and discussed.The important concept,theory and working steps of fatigue life predictions under complex loadings are presented.The essen- tial part of this paper is the discussion about the method of using 8088 macro assembler to design A/D transformation and sampling and realtime processing program and the usage of two important chips which must be used in former programing.The software system presented can run on IBM-PC and other compatible microcomputers which are equiped with 12 bit 16 channels A/D transformer.This system can process random variable load histories which are measured by dynamic strain amplifiers or are recorded by data recorders. The software has the functions of data sampling and storing on disk,realtime or time-sharing counting process,statistical analysis,fatigue damage analysis and life prediction.In this system,all functions are designed in independent modules,all data files are created in unified structure,graphic and word display are developed to a new level,and an environment of interactive mode of operation is provided.The system can do calculations quickly and accurately.
random latigue
life prediction