
初中数学困难学生的学业求助研究 被引量:1

Junior Middle School Students’ of Mathematical Disability Academic Help-Seeking
摘要 本研究主要采用问卷调查法,对初中三个年级学生数学学习的学业求助现状、学业求助在人口学变量上的差异等进行了研究和探讨。结果表明:(1)男、女初中生在需要时,都可能积极主动地向老师或同学寻求工具性帮助。女生倾向于工具性求助,男生倾向于回避求助。(2)在执行性求助、回避求助和工具性求助—老师行为的选择上,三个年级的学生存在显著性差异。(3)学业优秀组更倾向于进行工具性求助,数学困难组更倾向于进行执行性求助和回避求助。 The present study adopted some self-designed scales confirmed by confirmatory factors analysis. The mostly conclusions are as follows: (1) When getting in academic problems, they are used adaptive help-seeking from teacters and classmaters. Girls more prone to seeking adaptive help, and boys more likely to adaptive avoidance of helpseeking.(2) There is a significant difference between executive hel-pseeking, avoidance of help-seeking and instrumental help-seeking from teacher. (3) The high achievers are prone to seek instrumental help- seeking, and mathematical disability are most likely to seek executive help-seeking and avoidance of help-seeking.
作者 刘敏
出处 《社会心理科学》 2011年第2期36-41,共6页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 数学困难学生 学业求助 Mathematical disability academic help-seeking
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