
大学生网络成瘾与应付方式的相关研究 被引量:6

Correlation and Regression between Internet Addiction and Coping Style
摘要 为了探讨网络成瘾与应付方式之间的关系,本研究运用问卷调查法对361名大学生进行了调查研究。结果表明:(1)男大学生网络成瘾率显著高于女大学生(x2=10.131,p=0.001),各年级、专业大学生网络成瘾率没有显著差异;(2)网络成瘾大学生每周使用网络的时间(F=20.068,P=0.000)、对他人使用网络时间的认知(F=9.882,P=0.002)都显著高于非网络成瘾大学生;(3)大学生的网络成瘾症状与解决问题的应付方式成负相关(r=-0.346,p<0.01),与自责(r=0.250,p<0.01)、幻想(r=0.182,p<0.01)、退避(r=0.159,p<0.01)、合理化(r=0.231,p<0.01)等应付方式成正相关;(4)性别(β=-0.271,P=0.000),应付方式的解决问题(β=-0.346,P=0.000)、求助(β=0.114,P=0.022)、合理化(β=0.127,P=0.019)等因子是网络成瘾有意义的预测因素。 In order to explore the relationship between internet addiction and coping styles, the author investigated 361 undergraduate students. The results show: ⑴The rate ofinternet addiction disorder ofmale university students are significant high than female students (x2=10.131,p=0.001) , but there is no difference between grade and majority; ⑵The time of using internet in one week (F=20.068,P=0.000) and the cognition of the time of using internet by others (F=9. 882,P=0.002) of who have internet addiction disorder are significant long than other students; ⑶The internet addiction symptom is negative correlating with resolving problem coping style (r=- 0.346,p0.01) , and is positive correlating with remorse coping style (r=0.250,p0.01) , fantasy coping style(r=0.182, p0.01), evading coping style (r=0.159, p0.01)and rationalization coping style(r=0.231,p0.01); ⑷Gender (β=- 0.271,P=0.000) , resolving problem coping style (β=- 0.346,P=0.000) , seeking help coping style (β=0.114, P=0.022) and rationalization coping style (β=0.127, P=0.019) are meaningful explaining factors of internet addiction.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2011年第2期69-73,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 网络成瘾 调查研究 大学生 应付方式 Internet addiction survey research undergraduate students coping style
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