1995 ~1996 年对不同密度 和施氮处理 研究玉米 新品种苏 玉 9 号的 吸肥特性。结果表明: 本 试验单产 在6 489.75~10 230.3 kg/hm 2 范围内, 吸 N 量 117.9~192.45 kg/hm 2 、吸 P2 O5 量 58. 35 ~88.35 kg/hm 2 、吸 K2 O 量119. 85~180.15 kg/hm 2 , N、 P2 O5 和 K2 O 吸收量与产量成正相关。增加群体吸氮量, 重点应增加吐丝 成熟的积累量;增加群体吸磷素量,重点要增加吐丝 成熟的积累量, 其次是增加出苗 拔节的积累量; 增加吸钾量,首先要增加出苗 拔节的积累量, 重点是增加拔节 吐丝的积累量, 并提高吐丝 成熟的积累量。适宜密度基础上增施氮可提高成熟期群体氮磷钾素积累量和籽粒产量。
In 1995~1996, the new corn cultivar Suyu 9 was cultivated with different densities and fertilizer levels to investigate accumulation of N, P 2O 5 and K 2O nutrients. The results shown that aerial part of population accumulated N 117.9 ~192.45 kg/hm 2, P 2O 5 58.35~88.35 kg/hm 2 and K 2O 119.85~180.15 kg/hm 2 with grain yield range of 6 489.75~ 10 230.3 kg/hm 2. There were significant positive correlations between accumulation of N, P 2O 5 or K 2O nutrients and grain yield. In different growth stages, accumulation of N and P 2O 5 during grain filling and that of K 2O from enlongation to silking should be most important for high yield formation. Proper density and higher fertilizer levels could promote to accumulation of N, P 2O 5 and K 2O nutrients and increase grain yield.
nutrients accumulation
grain yield