研究结果表明: 氟斑牙患者体内氟含量高于正常人体; 同年龄组男性发氟含量高于女性;随年龄增加, 人发氟含量也不断增加;发中钙含量女性略高于男性;和正常人体相比,氟斑牙患者发 Cu 、发 Fe 含量无明显差异。
The result of research shows:there is more fluorine in the patient of dental fluoridation than in common people;Among the same age group,there is more fluorine in the hair of male,than of female;As one grows older,the fluorine in the human hair in creases,but there is more Ca in the hair of female than of male;Compared with Common people,the patient of dental fluoridation do not have a big difference in Cu and Fe.
Agro-Environmental Protection