目的:探讨善释补片在腹股沟疝无张力修补术中的应用.方法:对96例腹股沟疝患者行善释补片无张力疝修补术,观察手术时间、并发症、平均住院时间和近期随访情况.结果:本组患者围手术期无死亡,平均手术时间为(45.3±10.5)min,术后未出现阴囊浆液肿,无切口感染和切口下血肿.平均住院时间为(7.6± 2.2)d.随访6~24个月,无复发,异物感不明显,无术后慢性疼痛.结论:善释补片无张力疝修补术是一种安全、可靠的手术方式,尤其适用于疝环或腹横筋膜缺损范围较大及复发的腹股沟疝患者.
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Easy Prosthesis on tension--free hernioplasty. Methods The operative time,operation--correlated complications, hospital stay and recentfollow up findings of 96 patients with tension--free hernioplasty were analyzed from june 2007 to june 2009. Results No case died in period. The average operative time was(45.3 ~ 10. 5)minutes. None of incision infection and scrotal hydrocele occurred. The average hospital stay was(7. 6 ± 2.2)days. During follow--up period of 6 to 24 months, no recurrence, chronic pain and foreign body sensation were found. Conclusion tension--free hernioplasty by Easy Prosthesis is safe and reliable, especially for the inguinal hernia with large hernia ring or defect of transversalis fascia and recurrent hernia.
Inguinal hernia, Easy Prosthesis
Tension-- free hernioplasty