It is the first report of study on the vacuum--evaporated electrochromic WO3 filmusing EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption of Fine Structure) .During evaporation, the longrange of WO3 powder-the precursor was vigorously d estroyed and decomposed into manyhighly-dispersed dusters. The formed WO3 film, compared to WO3 powder, shortened in W-Odistance and its lattice contracted. When it was cathodically colored in LiClO4/propylenecarbonate solution its lattice Cell further decrea sed. This condusion was also strongly supportedby Raman spectra.
It is the first report of study on the vacuum--evaporated electrochromic WO3 filmusing EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption of Fine Structure) .During evaporation, the longrange of WO3 powder-the precursor was vigorously d estroyed and decomposed into manyhighly-dispersed dusters. The formed WO3 film, compared to WO3 powder, shortened in W-Odistance and its lattice contracted. When it was cathodically colored in LiClO4/propylenecarbonate solution its lattice Cell further decrea sed. This condusion was also strongly supportedby Raman spectra.