DBNLI(Data Base Natural Language Interface)系统是一个建立在数据库管理系统上的中文自然语言理解系统,与其他中文理解系统的不同点是:1)利用格语法的格间约束自由性来表达计算性较差的中文;2)用了数据库自然语言查询的'四格'概念,使语法,语义分析更灵活,数据库目标生成更方便;3)加入了自然语言修改操作,比传统的查询系统更为完善;4)中间语言的引入,使系统更具扩充性和移值性;5)在字典中加人格信息,解决了传统的中文分词问题;6)用户只需输入中文查询,便可直接得到查询结果。本系统在法国 Bull 公司的 DPS-7中型机上建立,用 PASCAL 语言编写,其支撑数据库管理系统是 IDS-Ⅱ。
A Chinese natural language understanding system(DBNLI)for DB query is developed.Comparing with other natural language under- standing system,DBNLI's advantages are as follows:1.Representing the bad computable Chinese language by means of the flexibility of constraint among eases' grammar.2.Four cases,KV,BN,DOM,COND(i.e. Key Verb,data Base Name,relative DOMain,operation CONDition)are used in DB natural language query.So that the system is more flexible and convenient in grammatical and semantic analyses.3.Because of introducing IL(i.e.Intermediate Language),the system is more expandable and portable.4.The puzzle of Chinese understanding—phrase Dividing,is solved by means of adding the case information into a dictionary.5.when the query is accepted in Chinese,the interaction is not needed,while the query result will be gotten automatically.DBNLI is progrmmed in PASC AL Language inplemented on Buli DPS-7 Computer.The build-in DBMS of it is IDS-Ⅱ.
natural language understanding
Chinese natural language understanding
data base query
data base natural language interface