庆大霉素产生菌自然分离过程中主型菌落是梅花型, 产庆大霉素(GM) 能力为1946U·m L- 1, 经斜面多次传代导致GM 产生能力下降, 非主型菌落增加。研究表明: 这与细胞结构变化, 细胞壁吸附GM
Micromonospora purpurea Q139 producer of gentamicin was screened by natural selection, the principal colony morphology was like plum, the GM potncy was 1946 U/mL in the shake flask. Through continually incubating ten generations, the number of plum colony and the ability of producing GM was descended. The results showed that the change of the cell structure enhanced the adsorption of GM synthesized. This may be one of the reasons why GM biosynthesis was repressed.
Journal of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)