HLJ1 is a newly discovered member of DnaJ-like Hsp40 family. It's been proved that HLJ1 acts as a tumor suppressor and is closely associated with tumor recurrence and metastasis. This paper reviews the mechanisms how HLJ1 acts in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. It is introduced that HLJ1 modulates cell cycle by up-regulating STAT1 and p21WAF1 and down-regulating CyclinD1 expression, promotes UV-induced apoptosis by enhancing JNK activity and activating Caspase-3, and changes the motility and invasion capacity of tumor ceils by rearranging β-actin configuration. Moreover, HLJ1 was reported to functionally alter nucleophosmin, be activated by the transcription factors YY1 and activator protein 1 and influence some signal-transduetion pathways by regulating some downstream genes like E-cadherin and CD44 as well. Given the clarification of the mechanisms how HLJ1 acts in tumorigenesis and tumor progression, we can find new solutions for further research and clinical use.
Journal of Medical Molecular Biology