背景:生物可降解材料构建的载生长因子或载生长因子基因的微球已被较多应用于骨组织工程研究中。但载药微球在骨缺损修复中的作用效果不一,受到很多因素的影响。目的:探讨影响骨缺损修复过程中载药微球发挥作用的因素,为载药微球的进一步有效应用奠定基础。方法:通过计算机检索PubMed数据库1999-01/2010-04的相关文献,检索词为"gene or growth factor,nanos phere or microsphere,bone";同时检索中国期刊全文数据库1999-01/2009-04的相关文献,检索词为"基因或生长因子、微球、骨",纳入有关载生长因子或生长因子基因的微球在骨缺损修复中应用方面的30篇文章进行综述。结果与结论:微球发挥作用的效率与微球材料、尺寸、表面修饰、所载药物种类及与支架的结合方式等密切相关。目前,对于这些因素的研究仍不够彻底,对它们的控制也还不够理想。调整好这些因素,使载药微球有效应用于骨组织工程,需要更多的研究从各方面进行不断的探索和完善。
BACKGROUND: As carriers of growth factors or genes, microspheres made with artificial biodegradable materials have been used in bone tissue engineering by many researchers. But the effect of these microspheres on bone defects repair is different, and depends on many factors. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the factors that affect the function of drug loaded microspheres in bone defect repair, and to lay a foundation for further effective application of drug loaded microspheres. METHODS: A computer-based online search of PubMed (1999-01/2010-04) and CNKI (1999-01/2010-04) was performed for related articles with the keywords "gene or growth factor, nanosphere or microsphere, bone". Thirty studies about application of growth factors-or genes-loaded microspheres were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The effect of the drug loaded microspheres is closely related to their material and diameter, surface modification, types of drug loaded and the method of these microspheres combine with artificial bone scaffold. But these factors have not been researched thoroughly and controlled well. Controlling these factors well and ensuring the effective application of drug loaded microspheres in bone tissue engineering need more research from all aspects.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research