以CYDEX -B手性毛细管柱 (25m×0.22mm,0.25μm)作为分析柱,用气相色谱法和气相色谱 -质谱联用法对天然冰片、艾片和合成冰片进行测定。合成冰片中的左旋龙脑与右旋龙脑可完全分离 ,左旋异龙脑与右旋异龙脑可部分分离。实验测得 :天然冰片中右旋龙脑的含量为99.13%~99.61 %;艾片中左旋龙脑的含量为95.87 %;合成冰片中左旋龙脑的含量为31.44 %~54.57 %,右旋龙脑的含量6.87 %~25.37 %;合成冰片的比旋度 α30D 为 -17.3°~ -2.3°。
Borneol and its isomers in the natural borneol, Praeparatio Blumeae Folii and borneolum syntheticum have been determined by gas chromatography and gas chromtography-mass spectrometry with CYDEX-B chiral capillary column(25 m×0.22 mm, 0.25 μm). (+) _ Borneol and (-) _ borneol could be completely separated, (+) _ isoborneol and (-) _ isoborneol could be partly separated under the conditions described in this paper. The content of (+)_ borneol in the natural borneol is in the range of 99.13%~99.61%, whereas (-)_ borneol in the Praeparatio Blumeae Folii is 95.8%. The contents of(+) _ borneol and (-) _ borneol in borneolum syntheticum are in the range of 6.87%~25.37% and 31.44%~54.57%, respectively. The specific rotation of synthetic borneol is -17.3°~-2.3°.
Journal of Instrumental Analysis