本文报道CT诊断、手术证实的腰椎间盘脱出46例。CT平扫诊断37例,误诊良性瘤1例。8例是加做椎管造影 CT 检查后才得以确诊,使诊断符合率从80.4%升高到97.8%。作者认为对有典型临床表现,CT 平扫未显示脱出块影或诊断困难者,做椎管造影 CT 检查是有益的。讨论了腰椎间盘脱出的 CT 表现,椎管造影 CT 检查的价值和适应症,及与腰椎、椎管其它病变的鉴别诊断。
46 cases of prolaps(?) of intervertebral disc(PID),diagnosed through CT scan anddocumented by surgical operation were presented.37 cases were correctly diagnosedonly with non-enhanced CT scanning;one case,however,was thus misdiagnosed and8 eases were diagnosed after the use of additional CTM (C-T Myelography).Theaccuracy of diagnosis of CT scan for this disease finally rose from 80.4% to 97.8%.Itshould be strongly stressed that CTM would be very valuable when the patient pre-sented with classical clinical manifestations while non-enhanced CT scan failed todisclose the herniated disc.Comments were also given on the CT presentation of PID,the indications and evaluation of the use of CTM as well as the differential diagnosis,
Tianjin Medical Journal