目的分析常州市30~59岁农村居民空腹血糖受损及糖尿病的流行特征。方法采用随机整群的抽样方法,对常州市农村地区6 913名常住居民进行问卷调查并测量身高、体重、腰围、血压和空腹血糖等指标,根据2000年第5次全国人口普查资料对现患率进行年龄标化。结果空腹血糖受损患病率为5.28%,标化率为4.74%,男和女标化患病率分别为5.21%和4.43%。随着年龄和BMI的增加,IFG患病率呈显著升高趋势(Ptend均〈0.0001)。结论常州农村地区人群IFG患病率较高,应重视和加强宣传和早期预防控制工作。
Objective To study the prevalence status of IFG among rural residents aged from 30 to 59 in Changzhou.MethodsBy the means of the cluster random sampling,a questionnaire survey and medical examination were conducted among 6913 permanent residents in rural areas of Changzhou.Height,weight,waist circumference,blood pressure and the level of fasting plasma glucose were measured in all subjects.Age-standardized prevalence rates were calculated by using the direct standardization method according to 2000 China population census.ResultsThe prevalence rate of IFG in this population was 5.28%,and the age-standardized prevalence rate was 4.74%.The prevalence of IFG was gradually increased with aging(Ptrend0.0001),and Body mass index(Ptrend0.0001).ConclusionThe prevalence rate of IFG is high among rural residents in Changzhou city.We think that it is important to have an early intervention in prevention of IFG.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine