以硫酸亚铁、硫酸铝、硫酸镁、氯化钙、氢氧化钙、活性炭粉末和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)等为原料合成了一种复合混凝剂RX,并将其用于处理合成洗涤剂生产废水。试验研究表明,RX对LAS和COD的去除效果较好,优于PAC和PFS,且用量少,费用低,出水水质好。其最佳处理条件为:pH为7~9,RX投加量150 mg/L,PAM投加量0.5~1.0 mg/L,在此条件下,LAS和COD去除率分别可达95%和80%以上。混凝后的出水可直接进入该厂的生化处理系统进行后续处理,并实现达标排放。
Ferrous sulfate,aluminum sulfate,magnesium sulfate,calcium chloride,calcium hydroxide,activated carbon powder and PAM have been used as raw materials for synthesizing the complex coagulant RX,and also used for treating synthetic detergent wastewater.Experimental studies show that RX has higher removal rates of LAS and COD.Its treatment effect is better than that of PAC and PFS,and is characterized by less dosage,lower cost and better water quality.The best treatment conditions for the synthetic detergent wastewater are as follows:pH is 7-9,RX dosage 150 mg/L,and PAM dosage 0.5-1.0 mg/L.Under these conditions,the removal rates of LAS and COD can be up to 95% and 80%,respectively.The effluent after the coagulation could go into the biological treatment system directly for post-processing,and the discharge can be up to standard.
Industrial Water Treatment