
基于功率滤波的风力场功率平滑控制 被引量:5

Smoothing Control Strategy on Power fluctuation of Power Filtering Based Wind Farm
摘要 为了减少风电场输出波动,在分析风力发电机功率波动频谱的基础上,提出了结合桨距控制和速度控制的风电场有功功率平滑控制策略。仿真结果表明,所提出的控制方案能有效降低风电场输出有功功率的波动。 In order to reduce the output power fluctuation of wind farm,Wind Power Fluctuation Spectrum is analyzed.According to that,an active power smoothing control strategy had been proposed through the pitch angle control and speed control of the generator.The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy can effectively reduce the output active power fluctuations of wind farm.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2011年第3期454-458,共5页 East China Electric Power
基金 上海市曙光计划资助项目(07SG11) 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划资助项目(NCET-08-0356)~~
关键词 风力发电 桨距角控制 模糊控制 功率波动 有功功率平滑 风电场 功率滤波 wind power generation pitch angle control fuzzy control power fluctuation active power smoothing wind farm power filtering
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