

Analysis of Thermal Control Design Characteristics for Deep Space Spacecraft with Aerobraking
摘要 气动减速技术能在耗费较少燃料的情况下,使探测器顺利进入预定环绕轨道。面向气动减速技术的深空探测器迎风面需要承受较高的气动热负荷与气动力,使得迎风面热控材料的耐热与耐冲击能力成为探测器设计的关键。文章对国外相关应用实例进行了调研和综述,并在此基础上总结了此类深空探测器热控系统的设计特点,可为气动减速技术在我国深空探测任务中的应用提供参考。 Aerobraking technology helps space probe enter mission orbit with less fuel cost. For space probe using aerobraking technique, the windward surfaces need to endure high aerodynamic heating and force. The thermal and power limitations of thermal control components become the constraint for space probe design. The paper summarizes some missions applying aerobraking. The characteristics of the thermal control designs are put forward, which can be as a references for the application of aerobraking in China deep space missions.
作者 苏生 向艳超
出处 《航天器工程》 2011年第2期78-83,共6页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 空间探测器 深空探测 气动减速 热控 应用实例 建议 space probe deep space aerobraking thermal control application example proposal
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