本文报告36例皮层动脉脑梗塞(CAI)和68例穿通动脉脑梗塞(PAI)与同龄对照组51例的血脂,脂蛋白及载脂蛋白 B(Apo B)含量的改变。结果:CAI 及 PAI 患者各项指标与对照组比较差异均有显著性。男 CAI Tc/HDL-C、女 LDL-C 略高于 PAI,男女 CAI TG 水平显著高于 PAI,HDL-C,HDL_2-C 水平显著低于 PAI;女 T-C/HDL-C、LDL-C/HDL-C 比率显著高于 PAI。男女 CAI T-C、HDL_3-C,Apo B 水平及男 LDL-C/HDL-C 比值与 PAI 比较无统计学差异。PAI 组伴高血压者显著多于 CAI。
Lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoprotein B (Apo B) were determined and analyzedin 36 patients with cortical artery infarction (CAI), 68 patients with perforatingartery infarction (PAI) and 51 age matched normal subjects. All parameters forcerebral infarction (CI) patients were statistically significantly different fromthose of the controls. Slightly increased T-C/HDL-C ratio only for men and LDL-Clevel only for women were found in CAI than in the patients with PAI. Significan-tly higher T-C/HDL-C ratio only for women were shown in patients with CAIthan in PAl. Triglyceride was higher and HDL-C, HDL_2-C level were significantlylower in patients with CAI than with PAI. No statistical differences were observedin the concentrations of T-C, HDL_3-C, Apo B in both sexes of CAI and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio only for male patients of CAI as compared with the PAI. The preva-lence of hypertension was significantly lower in patients with CAI than in PAI.
Tianjin Medical Journal