本文报告手术切除脑软化灶治疗顽固性癫痫36例。36例头颅 CT 扫描均确诊为“脑软化灶”,脑电图检查均为异常,全部病例经长期口服抗癫痫药物治疗无效。结果,近愈:癫痫发作完全控制1年以上21例(58.3%);显效:癫痫发作减少70%以上10例(27.7%);好转:癫痫发作减少50%左右3例(8.3%);无变化:癫痫发作基本同术前2例(5.5%)。复查脑电图,20例恢复正常,12例基本正常,3例中度异常,1例轻度异常。手术并发症9例,无死亡。本文对脑软化灶切除术治疗癫痫的理论、手术适应症的选择、术中注意事项以及术后处理进行了讨论。
Removal of cerebral soft foci for the treatment of intractable epilepsy in 36cases was reported. All patients were diagnosed as partial cerebral softness by CTscan. Electroencephalography showed various abnormalities. Long-term medicationwas proved ineffective for this group of patients. Excellent result was seen in 21cases (58.3%), with entire control of epilepsy for over one year; good result in 10cases (27.7%), reduction in frequency to 70%; fair result in 3 cases (8.3%), thefrequency of attacks lower than 50%, no improvement in 2 cases (5.5%). In 20 pa-tients normal electroencephalagraph was shown after operation, in 12 basically normal,in 3 moderately and in 1 slightly abnormal. Complications develdped in 9 cases,but none of them died. The theory of the operation, indications, and precautions toon operation as well as postoperative management were discussed.
Tianjin Medical Journal