用生根粉ABT_1和ABT_2不同浓度、不同处理时间的8种处理对尖叶木犀榄扦插生根率影响的试验结果表明:ABT_1明显高于ABT_2,其中又以ABT_11000mg/L 3s处理的生根率最高,达67.55%。
Olea euspidate, an ornamental tree, belongs to Oleoideae family. The effect of different treatments on rooting percent- age of Olea euspedate were studied. Compared with treatment ABT2, it was obviously higher in branch accelerated rooting under treatment ABT, and was up to 67.55% when marinate 3s in 1 000 mg/L liquor.
Tropical Agricultural Science & Technology