
由北美页岩气勘探开发看我国页岩气选区评价 被引量:20

Evaluation of China shale gas from the exploration and development of North America shale gas
摘要 美国是世界上最早对页岩气进行商业性勘探开发的国家.2009年,美国页岩气勘探开发更是取得了惊人成就,页岩气产量接近900×108 m3.页岩气快速勘探开发使得美国天然气储量增加了40%.加拿大是继美国之后世界上第二个对页岩气投入勘探开发的国家,勘探开发的地区主要集中在不列颠哥伦比亚省东北部中泥盆统Horn River盆地与三叠纪Montney页岩,近年来又逐渐扩展到了其他省份.分析北美地区页岩气勘探开发特点与成功经验,对比我国页岩气形成的地质条件,可以得出以下几点启示:(1)页岩气是一种潜力巨大、近期可实现经济勘探开发的现实资源,应引起勘探开发决策的高度重视;(2)页岩气是一种广分布、低丰度、易发现、难开采的自生自储连续型非常规低效气藏,其勘探开发需要先进的技术、严格的成本控制、优惠的税收扶持政策以及考虑必要的环境保护;(3)我国页岩气形成的地质背景比北美地区复杂,页岩气的选区评价需要建立适合我国页岩气形成地质条件特点的标准. America is the first country for the commercial shale gas exploration and development in the world. The shale .gas yield of America is close to 900 x l0s m3 in 2009. The high-speed exploration and development of shale gas makes the natural gas reserves of America increase by 40%. Canada is the second country for the commercial shale gas exploration and development in the world, and the exploration and development is mainly in Horn River Basin and Triassic Montney shale, the northeastern British Columbia. In recent years ,the exploration and development is also in other provinces. According to the shale gas exploration and development characteristics and successful experience of North America and the geologic characteristics of shale gas forming of China, the revelation for the shale gas exploration and development of China is as follows : ( 1 ) shale gas is a kind of great potential resource, it can be explored and developed in the near feature and good economic benefit can be obtained, and therefore it should be paid attention in oil and gas development decision;(2) shale gas reservoir is a widely distributed, easily found, low abundant, difficultly recovered unconventional self-generation self-storage gas reservoir, its exploration and development requires advanced techniques, strict cost control, favorable tax policy and environmental protection policy ; ( 3 ) the geological background of shale gas forming in China is more complicated than that in North America, and therefore the evaluation of shale gas blocks should establish the standard suitable to the geological conditions of shale gas forming in China.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2011年第2期1-7,110,共8页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技重大专项课题“鄂尔多斯盆地大型天然气田富集规律、目标评价与勘探配套技术”(编号:2008ZX05007-005)
关键词 页岩气 勘探开发 评价 北美 中国 shale gas exploration and development evaluation North America China
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