
基于3D流线模拟的水驱油藏动态评价新方法 被引量:14

A new method for the performance evaluation of waterflooding reservoir based on 3D flowline simulation
摘要 常规的水驱油藏评价都是以油藏工程为基础,考虑的往往是静态下的地质模型,无法定量评价油藏的水驱动态、注入水分配、油井受效等问题,更不能追踪到油田的动态特征,为了实现合理、有效的动态评价水驱油藏开发效果,以流线法模拟为基础,并借助其优势提出了一种全新的水驱油藏动态评价方法,建立了相应的评价模型,实现定量化评价注采井间关系.同时结合油田实际建立流线模型,进行油藏整体与井组单元分析,提出相应的调整方法,达到了很好地改善水驱开发效果的目的. Traditional reservoir evaluation is all based on reservoir engineering,and the static geological model is often considered,which can not quantitatively evaluate the waterflooding performance of reservoir,the distribution of injected water,the action result of oil wells,and so on,the dynamic characteristics of oilfield can also not be tracked.So it is not well applied in the actual reservoir performance analysis.In order to reasonably and effectively evaluate the dynamic development result of water-flooding reservoir,a new method used for the performance evaluation of waterflooding reservoir is proposed,the corresponding evaluation model is established,and a quantitative evaluation on the relationship between injection wells and production wells is attained.The flowline model is established according to the practice of the oilfield,the whole reservoir and the well group units are analyzed and the corresponding adjustment measures are presented.Finally,the development result of the oilfield is improved.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期43-47,119,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技重大专项"复杂油气田地质与提高采收率技术"(编号:2009ZX05009-004-03)
关键词 流线模拟 水驱油藏 油藏动态评价 开发效果 flowline simulation water-flooding reservoir performance evaluation development result
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